Employee Theft Attorneys In Irvine
The Problem of Employee Theft
By some estimates, EMPLOYEE THEFT accounts for losses of more than a BILLION DOLLARS EACH DAY in the U.S. White-collar crime is rampant in Southern California, and EMPLOYEE THEFT is on the rise. The average loss related to white-collar crimes is $500,000, and nearly one-third of all bankruptcies are caused by internal theft.
As a small business owner, you may have already been confronted with the problem of employee theft and know the damage it can wreak on you, your family, your employees and your business. If you have not had to deal with employee theft, sooner or later you probably will.
Learn more about how we can help you. Contact us online or call (949) 416-2215 today!
Why Employee Theft Happens
Simply put, most small businesses are vulnerable to employee theft. Medical offices, contractors, retailers and restauranteurs are particularly susceptible. Most small business owners delegate day to day bookkeeping, banking, and accounts receivable responsibilities to one or more employees, usually the ones you trust the most.
You may have a ballpark sense of your banking and accounts receivable information, but as long as there is money in the bank and no crisis, you concentrate on your work and leave the “number-crunching” to others. As an owner once confided to me, he was simply too busy to pay attention. At the end of the year, he looked at his total receipts and his net income. If they were close to what he expected, he did not look any further.
As your business becomes more successful, you may become more involved in managing growth. Consequently, you may become more removed from the day to day finances, and more dependent upon the employees who are responsible for those tasks. Often, owners may never take the time to institute basic accounting and bookkeeping controls.
Those controls may not have been necessary when the business started, but are essential now. Unless you take the time to review your system and ensure that those controls are in place, you are vulnerable to employee theft. The time it takes to implement those controls (which are discussed below) are a tiny fraction of the potential losses (in time and money) you could suffer.
As previously discussed, once employee theft is discovered the motive becomes clear. The employee may have an unknown addiction – to gambling, drugs or something else. The employee may simply be living beyond his or her means and conclude that he or she is entitled to a “little extra” from the company.
Often, an employee rationalizes the theft while continuing to steal larger and larger amounts. The employee may have more sinister and specific motives, such as harboring bitterness at being passed over for promotion or being demoted and intent on proving that he or she is too smart to get caught stealing.
Call our firm at (949) 416-2215 today to discuss your case with our Irvine employee theft attorney.
The process was affordable, timely and thorough. Mr. Toberty far exceeded my expectations and I HIGHLY recommend him- Carrie S.
I needed someone to help me have a voice and you did just that.- Teresa W.
Your compassion and professionalism made this trying time much easier.- Jillian P.
I appreciate being able to call you anytime and was thankful for your explanations. I would highly recommend you to anyone that needed your services.- Ann F.